Sunday, February 03, 2008

Letter to my Personal Trainer

Dear Steve,

Remember yesterday, how I worked out for an hour? And did 30 deadlifts with all those kilos?And held a 10 lb. ball in one hand and did about 6 turkish getups? And then did those vertical chin ups, and worked on regular chin ups? And did push ups and kettlebell swings and renegade rows?

And then when you asked me if I wanted to do the slalom or squat thrusts, and I chose slalom, because I couldn't feel my arms below my shoulders?

Well, I felt my arms today, Steve. And all in my (insert proper name of muscle here), all across my shoulders. I could hardly push the comforter off of me this morning. And I practiced doing a cheer for later on today when I watch the Super Bowl. "Yeah, touchdown!!" I screamed, and I put my arms up in a victory position, above my head. I almost fell over from the pain, Steve. I sure hope it gets better after my nap.

You don't know this, but when I did the slalom for 5 minutes and told you that was it, and you said you thought I could do one more minute, and I did, tears popped out of my eyes as I pushed myself past what I thought was my limit. They didn't stream down my face, they popped, and got outta there just as fast as they could. And I was breathing real hard, but I finished that damn minute, yes I did.

And at every 10 second "rest", I wanted to punch you in the gut as I caught my breath. I thought that would be a good addition to my cycle. Slalom, jumping jacks, punch Steve in the gut.

You pushed me because you knew I could do it. I did it, and later on, after I didn't feel so lightheaded, I felt really good. As I sat in Subway (Official "healthy" fast food of The Biggest Loser) and ate my 6 inch turkey with mayo, lettuce and tomato, I thought of how far I've come since I started with you in October.

You're a great trainer, Steve. Thanks.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like you have a great trainer. I do, too. They do push us beyond our limits because they know we can do it. I don’t know if they really know that we can go beyond, or that we can do it because they believe in us. : )

Madison Mcnulty