Saturday, February 09, 2008


I was informed by the F.I.M. that the touchdown I thought was going to be a touchdown was actually an interception (but turned out not to be an interception because he didn't catch the ball). I stand corrected.

And now to the other subject of this post. Remember how, awhile back, I was talking about sounds that bother my ears? There's a big one on Saturday mornings at 7:50 on Channel 4, wbz TV. There's a woman who hosts a Spanish-themed piece called "Centro". She brings guests on her 5 minute show to talk about Latino-based activities in Boston.

Oh my god, the woman's voice makes my skin crawl, I'm not kidding. I have to turn it off whenever I hear her greeting: "Hellooooo, and welcome to CENtrrro!!!!" She has the fakest cheery voice ever. And the whole show looks and sounds like she's practicing from the fake TV studio at a high school. Ewwww!

Now, Keith Morrison, I could listen to him all day...

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