Monday, August 06, 2007

Got my iMac!

Got my new iMac, and I love it! When I went to the store with my friend Hiro, I listened to the guy explain everything, and I was soooo overwhelmed. First we looked at the computer I had said I wanted all along, and then at the laptops. A 13 inch screen? That looked small to me, and I had wanted a desktop anyway, so I again said no thanks to the laptop. I started to get a headache, so we went to my house and I popped two Advil and thought.

Went back and told the guy I wanted the 17 inch desktop; the 20 inch was too big. I thought I was so good, having made a decision, but lo and behold, Mr. Apple had me standing there for 15 minutes while he told me the choices I had for memory, DVD capability, etc. I started feeling overwhelmed again. I told him I wanted to do email, write papers, do photos, that's it. I wanted the basic model. I wanted to do it at my desk and enjoy the outdoors as the outdoors. I lived up to my zodiac sign, the bull. Fine. Got the computer, got my teacher discount, got a free iPod Nano (pink), and got outta there.

Hiro was very excited to set up all my stuff for me, and I was only too happy to let him. He showed me all this stuff I could do, including slideshows. I can put music to slideshows, it's so cool! Then he explained about how it was really cool to burn slideshows and give them as gifts. Yeah! Only one problem. The model I got couldn't do that feature.

In about two seconds I realized how cool it would have been to:

a) get the model with more memory
b) get a laptop

Oops. Next time. For now, I'm going to enjoy the things my old computer couldn't do, and bask in the space I have on my desk now that I have a trim and slim monitor...

Oh, and now I wanted to upload pictures to show my new compuer vs. my old computer, and I tried to do it and it didn't work, and I am very very frustrated. Breathe, Alex, whew. I'll wait till Hiro comes home from work.

1 comment:

SabineM said...

Welcome to the Mac World! There iS NO GOING BACk! MAc's RUle! You will be soo THRILLED!!!!!!