Friday, July 11, 2008

Thinking About an Impulse

Recently someone asked if I was a risk taker. I said no, unless it has to do with my appearance. I'll change my look drastically at the drop of a hat. Well, that's not entirely true. I'll think about the change for months before actually doing it. I don't tell anyone, so when I do it, it looks like an impulse when it's really not. That's how it was when I got my eyebrow pierced, when I got my first huge tattoo, and now, when I believe I'm on the brink of another change.

I've been thinking about cutting my hair for a long time. My original goal was to have hair like a mermaid, all the way down my back, but it's taken me years, and I still haven't fulfilled that dream. It's hard to take care of all that hair, and it's getting so grey in the front that when I put it up I feel like a granny. I like the grey, but I need a new style. This goes along with my "Self What Not To Wear" makeover. I want a funky cut.

I've seen a few women who have the look I want, and have taken a picture or two, but just a few hours ago, I saw exactly what I wanted. This woman was walking down Newbury Street with two friends, and she had "The Hair." I stopped her and asked her if I could take a picture of her hair because I was thinking about cutting mine. What a coincidence! Turns out, she's a stylist and she's looking for hair models. She works at Vidal Sassoon. I can get her exact cut for $20.

I took her card and took a picture, just in case I decide to go my stylist to get it done. But he won't know exactly how it is, even from the picture, which wasn't that great. Thing is, I've been with my stylist, Anthony, for 15 years. I've cheated on him twice, and I always feel awful afterwards. He always takes me back.

I want to go to that woman, but I am wracked with guilt. It's not like she would be giving me a trim. This is a major cut, just past my chin. I'll send him flowers. I'll tell him what I did. I'll beg him to understand.

As soon as I got home, I called this woman, Jessie, and asked if she was available tomorrow. If I'm going to take the plunge, I'm going to do it immediately. She hasn't called back yet. Let's hope she takes me. Let's hope I like it. Let's hope Anthony has forgiveness in his heart, yet again.


xacerb8 said...

Wow! I can't wait to see a picture! You're lucky to be one of those few people who look equally great with long OR short hair. So exciting!!

Kari Whitney said...

Go for it!!

Pumpkin Cupcake Queen said...

Does this mean that Anthony doesn't read your blog?

snobbyblogger said...

Anthony does NOT read my blog.

SabineM said...

I have to go back and check out who Anthony is..
Hair like a mermaid. YUCK!
NO, don't bother.
Ok, I don't see any photos. Does that mean she couldn't take you!
can't wait to look!

SabineM said...

did pumpkin cupcake queen tell you we met last week!?! we had a blast...