Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Locker Room Lady

I went to the gym today and had a good workout. Afterwards, in the locker room, there was a woman who was red in the face and sweaty. She peeled off her workout clothes and wiped herself down with a hand towel. She didn't even take a shower! She just got dressed in a new outfit and put her sweaty hair into a ponytail. Gross! Who does something like that?

Me. Yes, I was the woman with the perspiring ponytail. I bust my ass to get to the gym at 7:30 AM as it is, and I'd have to wake up that much earlier to have enough time to take a shower before heading off to work. I've decided to take my showers at night on workout days. I'm sweaty, so what. I burn 50 calories every time I get on the bike.

Now excuse me while I eat my dessert before my evening shower.

1 comment:

Kari Whitney said...

Oh, I thought you were talking about me! :)