Monday, July 07, 2008

Happy Cat

Happy Birthday, Shelby! She's 12 years old today, and looks just like a kitten. Must be the catnip. A few weeks ago, I was at Mike and Lisa's house. Lisa was showing me the garden, and picked off some kind of plant. She said she thought it was catnip. I put it in my pocket to give to Shelby later.

I gave it to her when I got home, and sure enough, she started writhing on the floor in ecstasy (see photo, right).

Later on, I went up to the loft to take a nap. Shelby followed, and got into nap position, under the covers. We settled down. Suddenly, I felt a scratching and biting at my jeans. Shelby, mild-mannered slug-feline, was attacking me! She would not stop. It finally dawned on me that there was catnip residue in my pocket. I replaced my jeans with something less trippy, and we resumed our nap.

Here's to Shelby, my happy catnappy pappy. Happy Birthday!


Pumpkin Cupcake Queen said...

Aw Shelby! Happy Birthday!

xacerb8 said...

Ms. Shelby is a silver fox! Still partaying like a kitten.