Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cry Me a River

My mother, god rest her soul, used to cry at the drop of a hat. When I was little, I didn't understand it, and when I got older, I was embarrassed by it. I'll never forget her crying when she took me to see Bambi; she cried in the beginning when Bambi's mother died in the forest fire.

I have inherited her confusing and annoying trait. It doesn't take much. In particular, I'm a sucker for watching people win things on TV. It doesn't matter whether someone won a new car on Oprah, a surprise makeover, or an award.

Just today I flipped on the TV and saw five minutes of a show about drama programs at local high schools. They had an award night, and one high school kept winning all the awards. After they announced that Framingham High School had won a fourth award, I was laughing at crying at the same time. This, after watching five minutes. Lord help me.

And don't even get me started on reunions. If I flip on a show where a brother and sister haven't seen each other in 30 years because of war, adoption, or some other circumstance, you better get your own box of tissues, 'cause I'll need a whole one for myself.

1 comment:

xacerb8 said...

I cried so hard the first time I saw the trailer for the Titanic that Plato almost made us leave the theater.

Today, teary-eyed while reading Eden the synopsis of the movie "Flicka."

Power to the Weepers!