Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fat Stanley

I've been working out with my personal trainer, Steve, for 9 months now. Up to now, I never actually had a membership; I always just went to the gym, did my workout with Steve, then left.

About a week ago, I joined the gym. Every month, $48 will be automatically deducted from my bank account so that I can go to the gym and do my workouts myself, in addition to continuing work with Steve when needed. He thought I was ready for this months ago, but I wasn't ready to cut ties, and with my knee issue, my progress was put back a few steps.

Today was my first day of going by myself. I was so nervous, like the first day I ever went. I took a deep breath, got my mat, and did my routine. It was pretty crowded today, so there was a guy right next to me. He looked like the actor Stanley Tucci. Unfortunately, my peripheral vision was working really well, so I got a slight view of what he was doing. He kept grunting, and so help me god, he looked like he was in the middle of a sexual act! He was going up and down. I couldn't see exactly what he was doing, but I saw enough. I had to really focus so I wouldn't burst out laughing.

I did my usual thing, then added whatever I remembered, and finished with the bike. The first time I ever did the bike I did it for 5 minutes. I quickly moved up to 10 minutes, and I felt like that was a pretty good workout, got my heart pumping enough. I've done 10 minutes about 5 times.

Today, by myself, I did 15 minutes, moving the level from 6 to 7, thank you very much. My face was very hot and red, and sweat was actually dripping down my face, which was a totally new experience for me. When I got off the bike, I found that the entire gym was tilted a little and pulled toward the right. I told Steve, and he told me to sit down. Then he said, "You did great, Alex." Sigh. He knows I still need praise for the littlest thing. I'm like a 3 year-old.

I'm proud of myself for taking this first independent step at the gym. I'm going back tomorrow; I hope Stanley won't be there.

p.s. That hairstylist I met on the street yesterday hasn't called me back yet.

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