Monday, December 03, 2007

Cold Feet? Fuggetaboutit!

Last night I couldn't get to sleep, between my cold feet and the Stealth Bomber (more on that in a minute). I don't usually have cold feet when I go to sleep, so it was annoying. The rest of my body was fine. I was tired, and I didn't feel like going down to get socks. Finally, I thought of a solution. I took the pillowcase off the pillow next to me and stuck my feet in it. Voila! My feet warmed up in no time! Probably helped that my sheets are flannel right now. So, next time you have cold feet, just grab your pillowcase and toast those toes!

Once my feet were warm, I drifted off to sleep for a couple of hours, but I was awoken by a loud and rumbling sound. I knew what it was: The Stealth Bomber. I've seen the Stealth Bomber in person, and the noise is incredible. It roars for a few seconds, then it's gone. I was wondering why the Stealth was flying past at two in the morning, but I figured it was just going from one place to another.

Only problem was, it was flying past my house every five or ten minutes! At one point I thought, "Oh god, we're going down. Here comes World War III." It didn't really make sense that the Stealth Bomber would be making so much noise here, because of course we don't want to bomb ourselves, but something was definitely going on. Were we going to be evacuated? Was this a warning to save ourselves? The rumbling was loud, drifting closer, closer, getting louder, and then drifting off...

And at some point when I woke up yet again, it occurred to me that it was not the Stealth Bomber I was hearing, but a snowplow. Back and forth, back and forth, clearing the snow from the snowstorm we were having...

I looked out the window at one point to confirm my new suspicion, and I was right. I drifted off, wondering if we would have a snow day and no school...

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