Sunday, December 23, 2007

Friday at the Gym

On Friday, Steve told me we (or rather, I) were going to do something new. Goody. I love new things. Here's what I did, try it yourself!

Make like you're going to do a regular pushup.

Now go down on your forearms.

Back up on your hands.

Now make your left knee go forward and touch your arm, or try to, at least.

Same with the right knee.

Down on your forearms.

And start again.

Do this action ten times.

When you're done with that, take an eight pound dumbbell in each hand and do backward lunges, then raise the dumbbells and bring them back down again. Repeat five times.

Now go back to the first exercise, ten times.

Five more lunges.

Back to the first exercise. I wasn't able to do it ten times, only five.

Try this, readers, and then tell me how you feel the next morning.

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