Thursday, March 06, 2008

Riddle Me This

The other night I went to my friend Gwen's birthday party. In addition to all the adults, there were a few kids running around. I was talking to Gwen's 10 year-old daughter Tate, when this 11 year-old boy, Martin, came up to her and said, "Hey, where's that lady who tells the riddles?" Tate pointed at me and said, "She's right here!"

The kid was so excited, and I have to tell you, I wasn't sure who he was. They had to remind me of a time when I sat with them at the kitchen table once and told a lateral thinking riddle: a guy is in a phone booth, and he's dead. How did he die? They had to ask yes or no questions, and they eventually figured out the answer, after an hour or so.

This was two years ago. I guess I had made quite an impression. Martin had remembered me, and associated me with a party with Gwen and her family. I was amazed and honored! Martin asked me for another riddle, and of course I came up with one right away (A guy is lying in a field, dead. There's a package next to him. How did he die?) This time he got it in about 10 minutes.

I do love hanging out with kids. They never cease to amaze me.


Anonymous said...

Here's a riddle for you: Why did the chicken leave himself unrefrigerated for 6 hours?

- Guess Who

Anonymous said...

I know that package riddle. It's a good one! I didn't know they were called "lateral" riddles. Aim

Kari Whitney said...

Here's another riddle...how did Tate get to be 10 years old when I haven't aged a bit? :) Holy Cow, 10, what is Tucker, like a senior in college? I'm in a time warp.

xacerb8 said...

Um, how can you ask these riddles and then not give the answers?

Unknown said...

OK...I've got one. An entire family is dead around a table. In the middle of the table is an empty Costco-sized package of Hawaiian Sweet Rolls. How did they die?