Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Lint...Not Just For Bellybuttons

Oh man, the scenarios I find myself in at work.

Today I was in the bathroom with one of my boys. He was pooping. I had to wipe his little bum. It's part of my job, what can I say?

He went into full "wipe" stance, bending over to touch his toes so I could get at what I needed to get at. I wiped his bum, and he said, "My penis is dirty." Well, what was I to assume, but maybe that a little poo got onto it. I wasn't about to full-on wipe his little wee-wee, so I just sort of swiped at it from where we were both standing; him, bent over, and me, from behind. I took a swipe, and he stood up and said, "Alex, I got pee on my nose and my forehead!" Oh my god.

Well, he and I laughed for a minute, and then he said, "My penis is still dirty." He showed me his uncircumcised penis, and indeed, there was a little blue spot on the tip of it. At first, I thought it was marker (not that I wanted to go there), but upon further inspection I determined that it was a piece of lint. Again, I was not about to remove it, so I told him to pull it off. He tried, without success. He finally said, "I guess I'll have to take a bath tonight!" I agreed, and followed quickly with, "Okay, pants up! Flush! Wash hands! Let's go!"

Boy, am I glad I don't have a desk job. How boring.

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