Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ice Cream...Annually

I enjoy ice cream once a year, in March. That's when the local ice cream place has the Irish Lace flavor--mint chocolate ice cream, but instead of chips, it has shaved chocolate. It melts in your mouth and sends me to a faraway land, a place like I would imagine Heaven to be. This photo doesn't even do it justice.

Friends, if you live locally, go to JP Licks and try some. Check every day in March, 'cause they often run out.

The runner up is peach, served in the summer. For me, it's cake and muffins the rest of the year.


Unknown said...

it's my favorite flavor, too!!! and i came up with all the others...they're all "my children".
-Vince, founder J.P. Licks

Unknown said...
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SabineM said...

ONCE A YEAR!?? You only eat ICe Cream once a year?
Actually I don't eat it that often....BUT I have discovered Golden Spoon! Frozen Yogurt (revisited...remember Penguins) and I get Chocolate Malt with Almonds!

xacerb8 said...

El diablo is my JP Licks favorite!
Chocolate and hot pepper. Can't beat it.