Saturday, March 08, 2008

Eatin' Right

I don't have a stove. I have a 2 burner hot plate, a microwave, and a George Foreman grill. I like to cook, but I also like to eat out and eat at friends' houses. I've been learning a lot about nutrition the past few years. Every once in a while, I bust out a really healthy meal, and I get so proud. Check out what I made myself for brunch last weekend. Cheese eggs, whole wheat toast with vegan spread, salad, and 3 kinds of fruit, yeah buddy!

I've come a long way from the cans of Franco American, Chef Boy-Ar-Dee, and Swanson's TV dinners that I grew up with. That's not to say I won't buy a can of Spaghettios and meatballs at CVS when I'm feeling low and pray that no one I know sees me. Usually I have it with a salad, to assuage my guilt.

Despite the appearance of the Little Debbie football creme cakes of The Superbowl, I no longer indulge in those every day. And I drink skim milk. Thank you for listening to my food confessions; this was just supposed to be about my amazing brunch. I digressed.


xacerb8 said...

Did you mean to put it all in the shape of Mickey Mouse's head? And, when are you inviting me over for a banquet!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe standing up on your chair to get right over your food to take that picture put your neck out of whack! Ha! Aim

Anonymous said...

Nice use of the word "assuage".

D to the B