Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Yes, We Can!

Last night history was made. I am so happy to witness this time in history, and indeed have hope for our future. I've thought so much of my dear mother, god rest her soul, who would be such an Obama supporter. I wish she were alive to witness this. I can only imagine she's looking down and doing her own happy dance.

Today at school I left a piece of paper on the art table that said, "Today's Practice Letters:
O B A M A." At Meeting time, I sounded like a preacher, yelling out that a new day has come, and yes we can, and change has come to America! All the kids knew how to say Barack Obama, and they knew he was the new president.

When my boss, Rosie, was singing "The Wheels on the Bus" with the kids and she got to the part where they sing, "The driver on the bus says, 'Move on back...' I interrupted the song to belt out, "Not on this day, no one is sitting on the back of the bus anymore, no SIR!"

I heard one funny story regarding Obama. One mom told me that awhile ago, she and her husband were watching TV, listening to Obama speak. Their son Ben, age 3, was sitting on the floor, playing. Obama said something about "don't let your kids watch too much TV", and Ben, a TV lover, whipped his head around and started watching. Later, he proclaimed his support for McCain. Today at school, however, he said he liked Obama.

Me too. And I also love TV. I'll support you, Ben.


SabineM said...

well said.. funny I sing Wheels on the bus every night to Maya. .NO more MOVE ON BACK!

Akita inu said...

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to Obama!!!

I cited his victory speach and pasted it on my blog.