Saturday, September 06, 2008

Photo Project Incomplete

I have this photography project going; I've been doing it for many years. It's in my head. Here's the project:

There are some people in the world I could never get tired of looking at. I would like to photograph these people and make the photographs into a book, a big coffee table book. The thing is, I never actually take the photos because I don't know how to get the subjects.

I see people on the subway or just walking down the street who are, to me, very interesting to look at or just really really good looking. What can I do? Go up to them and say, "Excuse me, I'm doing a photo project of people I could never get tired of looking at. Could you come to my studio so I can take your picture?" They would think I was crazy! I don't know what to do, so I just do nothing. I've been doing this for about 10 years. I actually know some of the people I'd like to photograph, and I suppose I could approach them...I could say I'm doing a portrait book. That would be true, but not the whole truth. I'm still thinking about it.

I think the best looking man in the whole world is Johnny Depp. Just saw him in the movie Chocolat. I could look at him and look at him and never get tired. Could you?

1 comment:

xacerb8 said...

21 Jump Street. Say. No. More.
He's definitely pretty. But...if I were going to stare all day, it would probably be more at someone like Heath Ledger. There's that French phrase, is it jolie laid? It means pretty/ugly. I like beauty with an edge.