Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I haven't even posted anything about Snow. Not the white stuff that comes out of the sky, but a kid. In our preschool's summer program, we had a girl named Snow. Her mother is a meteorologist, I'm not kidding. Snow was one of the cutest kids, and she said funny things.

One time a few of us were all at the art table, and I was talking about George Michael. One kid asked, "Who's George Michael?" and my very good friend and mom at the Co-op said, "Oh, he's a washed-up singer." A few beats went by, and then Snow said, "He is not washed up. He's dirty."

On a different day, another child, Erik, was talking about Snow. He said, "They should have named her tornado, then we could all go down in the basement!"

I will never get tired of my job. I'm looking forward to the beginning of school.

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