Tuesday, August 12, 2008

For that Toothy Smile!

Toothpaste has changed so much since when I was a kid. It's changed even in the past five years. Recently I went to the store to get some new toothpaste, and I saw this kind that had glitter in it, so help me god!

Well, Colgate didn't call it glitter. It said, "Max Fresh with Mini Breath Strips!" Breath strips, glitter, it just looked like New Year's Eve for your mouth. I quickly put it in my basket and waited for the party to begin.

Unfortunately, it took awhile for a breath strip to actually make it to my toothbrush. The first few times, all I got was blue gel. I thought maybe it was all a farce, but one day, I got a speck of glitter on my brush, and it's been a sensational soiree ever since.

Does it make my breath fresher? I dunno, but sparkly trumps fresh, in my book.


xacerb8 said...

Eden wants to know if it comes in pink.

snobbyblogger said...
