Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So I'm still watching the Olympics, despite the fact that my boyfriend Michael Phelps isn't on TV anymore. As I told a friend, hurdles, schmurdles. I still watch, though, because gymnastics are still on, and diving is cool, and I even caught some trampoline the other night.

The other night in gymnastics I saw a woman who literally looked like someone had screwed a man's head onto her body. She was on the German team, I think, but she wasn't German. I think her name was Oksana. Anyway, the other thing about her was that she was like a grandma in terms of age of gymnasts; she was 33 or something. I found her just fascinating (see pic).

And just now, there was a male gymnast who looked like a younger Michael J. Fox. I love the people watching on TV.

1 comment:

SabineM said...

Michael Phelps was in the Olympics? is he a soccer player?