Friday, August 08, 2008

The Bus Stopped Here

Yesterday I was on the Greyhound bus going from Boston to NYC. I was thinking about how I had forgotten my Metro card and how I'd have to get a new one at the subway station, then go through that long-ass tunnel to get on the subway, and how much I don't like that leg of the trip, but it's unavoidable. It sucks, because I have to go to 80th and Broadway, and the bus always goes right past my block, like it's teasing me. The bus terminal, Port Authority, is at 42nd and 9th.

Suddenly, at 56th and 9th, the bus stopped and the driver said, "For the woman who had to get to the hospital before visiting hours were over." A woman with crutches hobbled off. I yelled, "Can anyone get off?" He didn't stop me, so I grabbed my bags and jumped off. This never happens; they're not allowed to stop just anywhere.

I felt like I had won the lottery. I took it as a sign that this was going to be a good trip.

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