Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Sugar Fix

Number of days of Alex's Sugar-Free Summer:


What happened:

Okay, here's the confession. Wanna know why I wasn't going to have sugar in my house for the whole summer? Oprah. I was watching her show the other day; they had all these obese people who weighed 500 lbs. and had lost 300 lbs. with no surgery.

Oprah went on and on about how, if you're trying to lose that last 10 lbs., if they can do it, you can do it. I figured, "hey, I want to lose 10 lbs. I'm feeling a little thicker around the middle than I did 10 years ago...sugar's bad for you, how hard can it be?"

On day 2, today, I was a monster. 2 days of no tea. I had a headache, I was very cranky, parents were rubbing my back at work today, clucking their tongues.

Percentage of people who thought that me giving up sugar in my house was a bad idea:


Guess what? Premenstrual + no caffine and sugar for 2 days = crazy person!!!

After my therapist confirmed that you only live once, and I needed to have my tea back in my life, I went to Starbucks and grabbed 6 packets of Sugar in the Raw like I was some kind of junkie. Had my cup of tea in my house tonight...

AHHHHH...feels good to be back.

1 comment:

xacerb8 said...

Oh my god. This was right up there with the root canal scene in "a million little pieces." hahahahaha!!!

I say if you want to lose that last 10 pounds, wrap yourself in saran wrap, down a couple of ex-lax and call it a night.

but what do I know?