Sunday, June 08, 2008

Skeletons in my Closet

I did a little What Not to Wear / Mission: Organization on my closet today. I went through and tried everything on. I got rid of two bags of clothing. Here's what I learned:

I am not a size 0 anymore.

I am not a size 1.

I am not a size 2.

I am a size 4. I am a size 4. I am a size 4. I might be a size 4 1/2, but let's not go there right now.

I had a lot of pants I didn't even know I had.

What was I thinking with that little black beaded tanktop?

I have a lot of hangers that are unused.

I have 4 little black dresses.

There were several outfits I could have worn to Caterina's party that would have been better than the one I did wear, had I really looked in my closet.

It makes me very very sad, but it is finally time to throw away my most favorite jeans that I bought in 2000. The knees are both worn out, and that is why I have femoral patella syndrome today. Plus, I will never fit into them again. Never.

I know elastic waistbands are not the sexiest, but they make things still fit, unlike some other waistbands.

My friends are so sweet to give me their size 4 pants.

I should be grateful I am a size 4. Many people would kill to be a size 4.

It's all relative.

1 comment:

xacerb8 said...

If you ever plump up enough to need some size 8's, just let me know. :)