Wednesday, April 23, 2008

PT Continued

So I've been going to PT for a few weeks now, with mixed results. I know the routine now, 3 sets of 10 of lots of different exercises, some of which I even like. There's this one where you put what looks like a giant rubber band around your ankles and move across the floor slowly, step by step. The rubber band won't let you go but a step at a time. I call it the "chain gang".

At the very end of the session, I get what's called a "stim". They put these sticky pads on my knee, and the pads have wires running to a machine. Then they put a huge bag of ice on my knee, and turn on the machine. I'm supposed to say when it's too much. I asked when "too much" was, and was told "when it hurts". Well, I have a high tolerance for pain (see tattoos), so I'm never sure when too much is. Anyway, the machine makes a tingling sensation, and it's supposed to stimulate something, though I'm not exactly sure what. When I first got hooked up, I felt like I was part of some secret science experiment. I'm used to it now.

After the first few PT sessions, my knee hurt more than ever, but now it seems to be getting better. I'm going to schedule an MRI for both my hip and my knee to see exactly what's going on. The MRI machine will be a whole blog entry unto itself, I'm sure.

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