Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Training Continues

I am now into my third week with my personal trainer, Steve. I've gone five times, and guess what? I'm getting through the list of exercises in five minutes! Remember the frog pose (otherwise known as the sumo squat), the one where I could only get down halfway? Well, I can just about touch my fingers to the floor now.

Personal training has changed my life. I have more body awareness, more confidence, and I'm using muscles I didn't even know I had. I now do exercises with a five pound medicine ball (a weight ball), and a medicine ball with a handle that I forget the name of. I do reverse chin ups where I lay down on the floor and pull myself up, and I can do three push ups (the kind on your knees). I need to keep track of how many I do, because in a month or two I'll be doing more, for sure.

A word about push ups: Steve told me that most people do them with their hands spread way apart, and you can do more that way. The form he's taught me is where you put your hands right next to your chest, and you touch your nose to the floor and come up. It's really hard. Try it! My arms and shoulders are pretty sore. I work so hard, arrghh!!!!!

It feels great when Steve has me try something new and then modifies it because it's too easy for me. He told me that my form on my push ups was nearly perfect. Yay! I love going to the gym now, and I'm not intimidated by the people or the locker room anymore. In fact, I gotta go; got an hour with Steve in just a few minutes! I'm pumped!

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