Saturday, February 11, 2006

My first blog

Oh my god, I've actually done it. No more writing my stories or thoughts on the computer (or in a notebook, for that matter), printing it out, and filing it away under "writing by me". What are all these options? I'm scared to check them out. Stay safe for now, I'm new at this.

To all who are reading this and had to type in "snobbyblog" to get here, let me state for the record, I am not a snobby blogger. Usually. Thing is, I could not for the life of me get them to accept any of the addresses I was putting in (daydream believer, randomthoughts, shelby), so finally I just started playing with the word "blog." When "snobblog" didn't work, I tried "snobbyblog", and it went through. Go figure.

I'm excited and thrilled and a little nervous to have a blog. Enjoy.

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