Saturday, February 25, 2006

Funny Talk

I am around kids nearly every day. I love it. They say the funniest things, with dead-on timing. Here are a few recent samples:

I am walking with Ramona, 4, in my arms. She is facing me, and she squeezes my breasts like they're bicycle horns. As she does so, she says, "Boobs!" (squeeze) Boobs!" (squeeze)

Me: Ramona, it's not very polite to squeeze a woman's boobs.
Ramona: You're not a woman.
Me: Oh really? What am I?
Ramona: You're a lady.

I'm at my art class with five kids. I'm telling them my fantasy of skating in the next winter Olympics.

Sila, 10: Alex, you'll be great.
Jasmine, 11: Yeah, in the hospital!
I give Jasmine an incredulous look.
Jasmine: What? Maybe you'll get jello.

More to come...


SabineM said...

Amit wants to know if you are doing Shotokan. We both studied it at UCR and now Amit has started it up again. He is testing for 7th kyu (he has a yellow already)....if you are doing Shotokan, Amit has a great book he wants to send you!
Don't give up! yOU and Amit can spar each other!! Only if I can watch! ;-)

SabineM said...

I agree with Jasmine. Maybe you will get Jello! but I will be there to cheer you on and throw flowers on the ice for you LADY!