Monday, February 20, 2006

Isn't it ironic...don'tcha think?

Disclaimer: I never lose things. Never.

So two weeks ago I was walking along the street towards karate school. This guy was walking with the cutest little puppy in his arms. Now, I'm a cat person, but really I love all animals, especially cute little baby ones, so I asked the guy if I could pet the puppy. He said yes, and I stuck my gloved hand out to pet the puppy, and he licked my glove all over, cute little fluffy puppy. I thanked the man and went on my way, all the while thinking about puppy slobber on my right glove.

This is one of the things I do not like about puppies and dogs, their slobber. Ick. I thought about my right glove for the following two weeks. Should I wear the gloves? I'll wear the gloves. Eww, there's puppy slobber on the right one. I hope I don't meet anyone new, I'll have to shake their hand and get dried puppy slobber on their hand. Don't wear the gloves! Finally today, I was able to go to the laundrymat and wash the gloves, whew!

So I got all the laundry out, folded all of it, and noticed that only one glove came out of the dryer. Guess which one it was? The left one.

Where oh where is my puppy slobber right glove?
Oh where oh where can it be?
In the laundry basket?
In the middle of the street?
My hands are cold, woe is me!

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