Sunday, February 12, 2006

Mama say, mama sa, mama ma koo sa

My friends the Skeldings (Phil, Emily, Sumner, 6, and Ramona, 4) and I recently drove to NYC. I rode shotgun while Phil drove. I was given the task of playing dj, and eagerly flipped through their collection of cds. I came upon what I think of as one of the greatest cds ever: Michael Jackson's, "Thriller". I said, "How about this one?"

Phil said, "I don't even know why that's still in there. He's a sick sick man. No way." I told him that while Michael Jackson may have some issues, it doesn't negate the fact that the cd, which was recorded before his strange behavior, is amazing. "After all,", I told him, "I'm still able to enjoy the movies Woody Allen made before he married his daughter. Now that's disgusting!" Phil didn't see that as awful as what Michael had been accused of. We went back and forth on what MJ was accused of, whether or not he did was he was accused of, agreed on the fact that he had issues, and left it alone.

Then Phil asked me, "So what if I told you that Hitler, before he murdered millions of people, was a rockin' musician and he had a really good cd? Would you want to listen to it? Would you buy it? Huh?" I had to think on that one.

I still like "Thriller". We ended up listening to Johnny Cash instead. I wonder what Phil thinks of Jerry Lee Lewis marrying his 13 year old cousin.

1 comment:

Tubby Tee said...

hey daydreamer, i agree w/u at some level. jerry lee lewis married his 13 year old cousin. ted kennedy's still in office. everyone has skeleton's, some closet doors are more open than others