Thursday, February 16, 2006


I'm struggling with laryngitis, which happens to me about twice a year. It starts with post nasal drip, which runs down the back of my throat at night and then solidifies over the course of a couple of days. On day two I sound like Demi Moore, and everyone thinks I'm sexy. On day four I sound like Joan Rivers, and my ratings go way down. "Can we tawk??" I bark. One of the dads at my school said to me under his breath, "I know what that voice really is. It's your crack voice!" I told him, "You found me out! Preschool teacher by day, crackhead by night. Don't tell!" How wonderful to work at a parent cooperative school. We're so comfortable with each other.

In my Healthwise Handbook it says that in addition to following a virus, laryngitis can be caused by excessive talking. 'Nuff said. I turned down not one, but two opportunities for dancing last week so that I could rest my voice and kick this thing outta me. I also plugged in the humidifier.

This seemed to help, but my voice still isn't back to all the way normal. I have next week off. I'll try to keep quiet.

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