Friday, May 23, 2008

Today at School

Today at the playground, as we were lining up to go back to school, Marco announced that his other sandal was in the sandbox. Buried. I told Rosie to go on and take the other kids back, and I'd stay with Marco to find it.

Marco didn't remember where exactly he had buried it, and you couldn't tell that anything was buried; it all looked just like regular untouched sand. I felt like an archaeologist, and wanted to divide the sandbox into quadrants. I just kept digging in one spot after another until finally, I hit pay dirt (as it were), and unearthed the sandal. I told his mother to stop being so creative with him.

Later on, a bunch of us were out in the school's courtyard. I brought out the sidewalk chalk, and they drew all over the back of the door and the walls. One kid asked, "Can we draw on the sandbox covers?" I was in a good mood. "Sure!" "On the fence?" "Yeah!" "On the boat?" "Why not? Go crazy!" I said. With a gleeful expression, Matthew piped, "This is the biggest day of our life!"

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