Saturday, May 10, 2008

Tip of the Day

Dear Readers,

The advice I am about to give you may change your life. Here goes.

Say there's a stomach virus going around, and you happen to get it. Say you stay home for a day, alternating sleeping and visiting the porcelain throne.

Say you're really good, avoid food for awhile, and then only eat bananas, bread, and applesauce for two whole days.

Here comes the advice: DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT make your first real meal a sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich from Starbucks. Even if you're really craving it. Your ass will explode.

If this does happen to you, remedy it by immediately taking a nap with your cat.

Follow these words of wisdom, and your sphincter will thank you.
Have a nice day.

1 comment:

SabineM said...

oh and those Starbucks sandwiches ARE delicious!
Hope you feel better VERY SOON! Stick to plain toast and apple sauce!