Saturday, October 25, 2008


We have a new girl at school named Scarlett. Scarlett is three. Scarlett brings Barbie to school every day, and she talks through Barbie. I love it. "Alex, Barbie doesn't want to do the art project. Barbie wants to listen to We Will Rock You."

Sometimes Barbie gets a little too excited. That's when Scarlett says, "Barbie's gonna mess up your hair!" and Alex gets attacked in the head by Barbie. That's when Alex says, "Barbie needs to take a time out." and Scarlett takes her and puts her in a corner for a few minutes.

Yesterday Barbie got sick. Scarlett announced this, and very thoughtfully got a hand towel, draped it lovingly over her shoulder, and allowed Barbie to throw up the towel. It sounds cruel, but I asked Scarlett to do it again so I could take a picture. It was worth it, right? "Scarlett, make Barbie throw up again so I can take a picture." Sounds sick, but it was all in the name of creativity and so I could put it on this blog for Scarlett's parents and the world to enjoy.

There will be more Barbie posts, for sure. And by the way, Marco has gone to kindergarten.

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SabineM said...
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