Saturday, December 20, 2008


I have a Netflix account. It's fun. I get one
movie at a time. When I first opened
this account, it was so much fun to
go through all the movies and put them on my "queue".

One of my favorite movies is The
Shining. I hadn't seen it in many
years, and I like it so much, up it went on my list. Before you know it, it was at my house.

For some reason, I thought it would be fun to wait until a snowstorm came and watch it then. By myself.
What the hell was I thinking???

My opportunity came yesterday, as "a foot of snow" snowstorm came rolling in. I did a half-ass job of asking some people if they wanted to watch it with me. No takers. I was determined. I thought I would start it when it was still light outside, so I wouldn't get so scared. But then I was talking with my friend, and when I came home I wanted to read my new double issue of People magazine, and watch the news about the storm, and eat dinner, and Facebook a little, so by the time I actually started watching it, it was 8 pm. Late. Dark.

The Shining has got to be one of the scariest movies out there, maybe the scariest. I had forgotten how scary just the music was, never mind the girls, the bathtub scene, "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy..."

I took pics of some of my favorite scenes. I love when Shelley Duvall is feebly swiping the bat at Jack Nicholson. Of course, everyone knows the "Heeeere's Johnny!" scene. One of the scariest parts to me is the whole blood pouring into the hallway part, which they show throughout the movie. Oh god.

A very supportive friend got me through by responding to my request to text me every five minutes. During the bathtub scene, I called other friends. The wife was supportive. The husband was not. He was saying some of the lines in a creepy voice in the background. Not what I needed, Chris! No matter, I got through it. Loved it.

Afterwards, I needed to unwind with something not scary. I turned on the TV. My set is on the blink right now, so I only get channel 7. What was on channel 7 when I turned it on? Dateline. About a murder. Thank god it was Keith Morrison's soothing voice that I heard, and it was a love triangle murder, so it wasn't scary.

I went to bed, and left my Christmas tree lights on because it was so...festive. When I got to bed, I got a text from my cousin. The text? redrum. I texted back, pu tuhs. I am happy to report I slept through the night with no nightmares. Sleeping with a knife and a bat under one's pillow can be uncomfortable, however.

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