Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I Love Bob

I am in love with Bob Harper, one of the personal trainers on The Biggest Loser. I have a new hobby of taking pictures of images on my TV, and I got some good ones of my latest crush. Here we see how he feels about me, and life in general.
Yes, Alex. I love you too.

I'm comin' ta git cha!

I was this close to becoming a model, but I decided that training was better for humankind.

I am good looking, aren't I?

He will be my inspiration when I go back to the gym after being away for 2 1/2 weeks. What can I say? I gotta monkey on my back.


Anonymous said...

I think he's gay, Alex. And how will you explain this to Anderson and Keith? You just keep droppin' em like flies. There IS a similiarity to them all, though. Hmmmm...(you're so funny!!)

xacerb8 said...

Um, and what ever happened to Michael Phelps?

My new downstairs neighbor's brother looks just like this guy....I suggest an accidental meeting...