Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Little Moments

I love little moments. Today it was pouring rain. I was walking along with my umbrella and I saw two people without. The first guy just smiled at me, and a few blocks later, a second guy walked past me, soaking wet. As I got close to him, I said, "Aw, screw the umbrella!" He laughed and said, "You're a baby!" (for using one) Interacting with strangers like that makes me feel like this world is not so big.

I saw a big earthworm squirming around on the pavement, and I put it back into the earth, to atone for the small earthworm I did not put back into the earth a few days ago. It was also to atone for not telling the woman at the bakery she gave me too much change. This was over a month ago, and I'm still feeling guilty about it. It was $5. Discovering my neighbors' indoor cats outside and knocking on their door to tell them about it should make it all come out even.

All this atonement, you'd think I was raised Catholic. In fact, I was raised with no religion at all, but baptized Catholic. Must've been some good conscience down there in that holy water.

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