Friday, March 24, 2006


So I'm in the store buying Prince's latest cd (on the day it was released, of course), and there's this $10 cd sale. I buy The Beatles #1 hits, and Funk Soul Anthems.

The reason I buy Funk Soul Anthems is because of the first song I see: "One Nation Under a Groove" by Funkadelic. Oh my god, that was one of the hits of my childhood, and I haven't heard it since. Then I see another classic: "Oops Upside Your Head" by the Gap Band.

I bring the cd into school the next day and introduce the kids to some of the funkiest music of the 70's. The one song that caught the kids' attention and made their little butts wiggle the most was "Oops Upside Your Head." Easy lyrics:

Oops, upside your head, I said, oops upside your head...(meaning a slap with an upward motion on the back of the head given when someone has done something foolish)

We're grooving along, the beat is funky, and then I hear the little rap line that comes in I had totally forgotten about:

Jack and Jill went up the hill
To have a little fun
Stupid Jill forgot the pill
And now they have a son!

Oops, upside your head, I said, oops upside your head!

For the rest of the day I made sure to cough or turn the sound down when that part came on. Oops!

1 comment:

SabineM said...

How is the new Prince CD. Saw it at Starbucks but didn't know if I would like it!
Would love that 70's CD. I remember OOps upside your head, forgot about the Jack and Jill too! OOPS!

What is new? write to me about what has been GOING ON! Your obviously busy since there are not that many posts! love