Thursday, July 19, 2007

Stormy Weather

Back in January, my storm windows were up and I hadn't noticed until one day it was really cold in my apartment (see Jan. 21st post). I berated myself for not knowing about the storm windows.

Today, July 19, it was hot, so I opened up both of my windows, not just one like I usually do. Figured I'd get a crossbreeze going for the cat while I was at work. Getting ready for bed, I went to close the windows, and I noticed that the window that I don't usually open didn't really feel like it had a breeze flowing through. Upon closer inspection, I saw that the storm window was down. Okay, so, strike two for the fucking storm windows. When they're supposed to be up, they're down, and vice-a versa. I hate storm windows.

BTW, I always close my windows at night, even if it's really hot. I don't want any serial killers coming in. My routine at night is this: As I close my window and prepare to go up to my hot loft bed, I say to myself, "Would you rather be a little hot, or dead?" and the answer is always, "A little hot." Makes sense to me. And no, the air conditioner didn't make it in this summer, and I don't think it will. And no, I don't even have a fan. I don't like fans. I hate the noise they make, and for some reason I have a fear especially of oscillating fans. Never know when that breeze is gonna hit ya.

Call me paranoid with an overactive imagination, but I've woken up alive every day with my system; it works for me.


SabineM said...

Get yourself a big dog, then you can leave the windows open. I would rather be hot then dead too, but I cannot sleep without my windows open (even when it is freezing). So I solve this problem with having a BIG DOG!

Anonymous said...

You got something against serial killers? They're people, too. (Though, not human.)