Monday, March 05, 2007

Techno Love

TV: Oh, hi, PC! Didn't think you'd actually show.
PC: Wasn't my choice. It's trash day.
TV: So you wouldn't have...
PC: Sony, it's over. The spark just isn't there anymore.
TV: That's 'cause I'm not plugged in! Ha...get it? Not...plugged...in. Come on, P, give me another chance.
PC: I've given you too many chances already. Why don't you go find yourself a nice laptop and leave me alone?
TV: That hurts, P. That really hurts. And so does this Christmas tree up my arse. It's March, fer Chrissakes! What the hell are you doing here?
Tree: Yo, how do you think I feel? Everyone else is partying it up on the curb January 1st, and I'm left to dry out while the Mr. and Mrs. decide what to do about the condo! Who moves out? Do they sell? He's worked too hard to just walk away from this property! Sheesh. The decorations were ripped off me like I was being strip searched. I felt so...violated. And then just tossed back here to rot with hunks of plastic and wires. Uh...no offense.
TV: Whatever, dude. Here comes the trash truck. PC, hope you get past dial up someday.
PC: Don't you worry, I've got a date with Hi Def tonight.
Tree: Oh man, please let that Golden Retriever keep walking. Keeeep walking...

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