Saturday, April 18, 2009


The other day I was at the train station, waiting for a train. There's a bookstore there, and I often browse the titles as I'm waiting. I picked up a book titled, You're Not Sick, You're Just Thirsty! I flipped through and found an interesting tidbit.

It said that you should drink a glass of water upon waking, before you eat or drink anything else, because your body is dehydrated from sleeping. It made sense to me, so I've been doing just that for a week. It really makes a difference! I find that I'm actually thirsty when I wake up, and I down a glass of water pretty quickly. Also helps with the pee, which you already know should be clear, right? Clear enough to read through (got that from Dr. Oz on Oprah).

Maybe you all do this already. If not, try it! You'll pee glad you did!

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